Campus Operating Status: The university is open and operating, and classes are proceeding on a normal schedule.

Rutgers School of Business – Camden

Graduate Program Certificate:
Digital Marketing

Learn how brands target and reach customers through the development of integrated digital campaigns.

What makes a campaign go viral? When 300 hours of YouTube videos are uploaded every single minute, how can brands break through the clutter and connect to the customer?

The creation and management of effective digital marketing strategies and campaigns is at the very center of ecommerce. The Digital Marketing Certificate will show you how to develop a cutting-edge digital marketing strategy. Youโ€™ll gain an understanding of how to visualize and analyze relevant information, using cutting-edge software tools and data analytic techniques.

Youโ€™ll also spend class time evaluating the failures and successes of a wide range of social and mobile media marketing campaigns, to understand what works, what doesnโ€™t connect, and why. Finally, youโ€™ll learn how to integrate and align digital marketing strategies with overall, high-level branding strategies.

A marketing professional with an MBA-level specialization in Digital Marketing is an extremely sought-after commodity in the corporate world, with a wide range of career paths.

Career in Digital Marketing

$80,000 +

Digital Marketing Manager Average Salary
Source: Indeed (2025)

Required Courses

The certificate includes four courses, including one required course, Marketing Management, and three electives from the following optional courses:

This course addresses marketing frameworks and decision tools for developing products and services that deliver value to customers; segmenting the market and selecting target markets; and designing and implementing the best combination of marketing variables to carry out a firmโ€™s strategy, including product, price, promotion, and distribution decisions.

This course covers development and management of digital marketing strategy, and the uses of digital media technology, including: social, mobile, and web to enhance customer equity, brand value, and ROI within the framework of an organizationโ€™s overall marketing strategy.

This course prepares students to develop the analytical skills marketers require to monitor, grow, and sustain competitive advantage. Students will develop abilities in aligning business objectives with metrics; utilizing data visualization, modeling, and text mining techniques; analyzing quantitative and qualitative data; and drawing data-driven consumer insights. The applications will emphasize the use of analytics to help make strategic marketing decisions.

This course explores how to use social media marketing to achieve strategic marketing goals. Using a mix of theoretical and practical exercises, students will learn to deploy social media as a strategic marketing asset. Objectives include learning and applying social media principles and evaluating how an organizationโ€™s social media presence adds strategic value. Students will also learn to implement a social media plan, connecting strategic goals to tactical objectives and the social media tools used to listen to and engage with consumers. The course also provides the skills needed to manage and measure social media activity.

Text Mining introduces students to methods of analyzing text data to provide business insights for firms with code-free text mining toolkits. The first part of the course focuses on strategic issues as well as learning basics on how to prepare text data for analyses. We will begin by framing text analytics questions, understanding sources of text data, and generating preliminary insights by coding text data. We will learn how to encode and preprocess text data for automated text analyses. Then, the course proceeds to focus on automated text analyses. We will cover explorative text analytics using word analyses (including word frequency analysis, keyword analyses, and text parsing), text visualization, and topic modeling. The last part of the course focuses on text classification and predictions; for example, understanding customer opinions from review comments with sentiment analysis. There are different methods for text classification and predictions, ranging from the very simple to the very sophisticated.ย  We will cover unsupervised dictionary approach as well as more advanced supervised machine learning approach. Prerequisite: 53:716:502 Business Analytics.

This course focuses on the use of customer databases to develop classification models with extensive use of SPSS and related software packages. The content includes a comparison of traditional RFM (regency/frequency/monetary) versus other more advanced approaches, such as logistic regression and decision trees, in maximizing the profitability of marketing campaigns. Students will learn how to build models that predict buyer behavior, as well as assess and improve model performance.

Note: Students must purchase SPSS Premium software package from Rutgers software portal.

NOTE: To earn a certificate, the student must complete all required courses in the associated program in which they were admitted.ย A student cannot earn two or more grades of C (including C+) or a single grade of F on her or his record. An overall cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 is required for certificate completion.

Upcoming Info Sessions

    No events are posted at this time.

More Information

For more information or guidance through the application process, contact our Graduate team at rsbc.grad@camden.rutgers.edu.ย 


Check out our FAQs page for some answers.

$68,000 +

Business Operations Manager
Source: Indeed (2025)

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BLDP Executive Shadowing Application v2

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"*" indicates required fields

* Indicates a required field.

Student Information



Preferred Work Environment
Preferred Area of Work*


If I am chosen and matched with an executive, I will follow through and prepare a one-page report giving honest feedback about the experience. The written summary is due by the start of the next semester. By typing my name in the box to the right I am offering my digital signature in lieu of my handwritten signature.

After the shadowing event, I will write a personal thank you letter to the executive and copy Dr. Kaufman-Scarborough and Ms. Bridget Britton for their records. By typing my name in the box to the right I am offering my digital signature in lieu of my handwritten signature.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

After notified of a match, students are responsible for providing personal information to the matched executive (e.g., current resume and cover letter with information on career ambitions). The information on this application is for internal use only, for us to match you as well as possible with and executive from among our alumni database.

BLDP Application

The Spring 2023 Application is now open!ย 

Priority will be given to applications received by November 18. Applications are accepted until all seats are filled. Space is limited, so apply early!

The seminar application process is our gateway for entry into the program. Upon acceptance into BLDP, students will be emailed their acceptance letter plus a special permission number allowing registration for the BLDP seminar.


Seminar applications are solicited each semester and require the following:

  1. Completed application form (at the bottom of this page),
  2. For students with GPA 3.0 – 3.49, two (2) letters of recommendation (one academic; one other)

Rutgers-Camden students are invited to apply to apply for enrollment in the BLDP seminar. All applicants are expected to meet both of the following selection criteria:ย  (1) have sophomore standing or above and (2) have an overall GPA of 3.0 or above. First-semester transfer students will be evaluated based on their GPA earned at Rutgers. Students who fail to meet these admission criteria may still be allowed to apply for (and possibly enroll in) the BLDP seminar, but they will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The director balances evaluations to make final decisions on people accepted for the seminar (up to a maximum of 15-20 each semester).

Students who are admitted to the BDLP are required to adopt the BLDP Code of Conduct. A signed contract is required from each student.

Students may count activities toward โ€œleadership unitsโ€ that were initiated prior to taking a seminar, as long as those activities occured primarily during their enrollment in their academic program.

Application for Admission to BLDP Seminar

Applications for the BLDP Seminar will be ongoing until class is filled.

BLDP Program Application

This form is set to automatically delete an entry 180 days after it has been submitted.

  • * Indicates a required field.

  • Contact Information

  • Academic Information

  • Please enter a number from 0 to 500.
  • Transfer students only.
  • Employment Information

  • List relevant employment history

  • EmployerPositionDates of Employment 
  • School Leadership Information

  • Provide evidence of leadership initiative while enrolled in school by listing all school-based organizations and activities in which you have held a leadership role while a student.

  • OrganizationRoleDates 
  • Community Leadership Information

  • Provide a list of community or volunteer activities in which you engaged in a leadership role.

  • OrganizationRoleDates of Activity 
  • Statement

  • In your own words (100-350), discuss the reasons why your application should be considered for the Business Leader Development Program, including what you hope to gain from the program and what you can contribute.

  • Additional Submission Instructions

  • If you need to submit two reference letters, please email them to ldrshp@camden.rutgers.edu. Ideally, you should receive one letter from an academic source (e.g., a former or current instructor), and one from a business source (e.g., a former employer - even if for a part-time or volunteer position).

    Please only submit one application. If you experience any technical problems or need to submit the application again, please contact ldrshp@camden.rutgers.edu.

    Thank you.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.