Campus Operating Status: The university is open and operating, and classes are proceeding on a normal schedule.

Rutgers School of Business – Camden

Academic Services
Academic & Scholastic Standing Policies

For a comprehensive list of Rutgers-Camden policies and procedures, visit theย ย Undergraduate Catalog.

An undergraduate studentโ€™s academic rank within the class cohort is determined by the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). Thisย  average is computed by multiplying the numerical value of the grade received in each course taken for degree credit, and to be included in the average, by the number of credits the course is worth to obtain the grade points earned in that course. The grade points earned in all such courses are then added together and the sum is divided by the total credits of those courses.

1)ย ย  Numerical Gradeย  Equivalent(s)ย  x Credit(s) = Grade Point(s)ย ย ย ย ย ย 
ย ย ย ย ย  A=4, B+=3.5, B=3, C+=2.5, C=2, D=1, F=0

2)ย ย  Semester or Term Grade Points/Semester or Term Credit(s) = Semester or Term Grade Point Average

3)ย ย  Total Grade Points /Total Credits = Cumulative Grade Point Average

Students who have transferred from other accredited colleges/universities may receive advanced standing for courses taken, as determined by the transfer credit evaluation; however, non-Rutgers grades are not recorded on the academic records, nor are such grades calculated in the cumulative grade-point average.ย  The CGPA appearing on the academic record is a reflection of the scholastic performance of the student only while enrolled at Rutgers University and is the basis for the determination of academic standing and any academic honors or penalties.

The grades of A, B, C, D, and Pass entitle a student to degree credit. Once taken and passed, a course may not be repeated, either to improve a cumulative grade-point average or to amass further credit toward a degree. For the one exception to this regulation, seeย Repeated Courses.

However, a student wishing to retake a course for self-improvement may register as an auditor, without credit and without conversion privileges. (Seeย Auditing Courses.) Courses repeated in this fashion become a part of the studentโ€™s permanent academic record.

The grades of IN and NCย do not entitle a student to degree credit and are regarded as deficiencies. Lost or withheld credit can be recouped only by successfully repeating the course, substituting another approved course, or successfully completing unfinished work, as appropriate.

Undergraduate students receiving a grade of D or F in a course may use the Repeat Option UP TO FOUR TIMES during the course of their degree program.ย  Exercise of this repeat course option is subject to the following restrictions:

  • This applies only to courses taken at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
  • The option may be exercised only once for each course.
  • Students opting to apply this option must contact the Camden Registrarโ€™s Office to indicate their intent to repeat the course. Courses that are repeated will appear on the studentโ€™s transcript with the appropriate prefix next to the credit value of the course.ย  Students may choose to use the repeat option during the semester the student is taking the repeated course.

Both the original and the repeated course grade appear on the studentโ€™s permanent academic record, but only the better of the two grades of the repeated course is computed in the cumulative grade-point average.

Degree credit is allowed only once, when the course is passed the first time.

The class instructor is responsible for the assignment of grades. Complaints about a grade must be directed to the instructor, in writing, within 10 working days of its assignment. Disputes unresolved at this level are referred, in writing, to the appropriate Area Head. Complaints remaining unresolved at this level should be directed, in writing, to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education.

Faculty may issue an โ€œEarly Warningโ€ if they find that a studentโ€™s performance and/or attendance are unsatisfactory. Early Warnings are generally issued by the eighth week of the semester. Students are encouraged to meet with their faculty to learn what steps may be taken to improve oneโ€™s academic performance. Students may also meet with the Academic Services staff, if additional attention is desired to address the area(s) of concern.

The RSBCโ€™s Scholastic Standing Committee oversees the implementation of academic regulations, receives petitions for exemptions from RSBC academic policy, such as change of courses after the deadlines, course overload requests, reinstatement after academic dismissal, intra-University admission to the RSBC, retroactive withdrawal from courses. The SSC will inform students in writing of its determinations.ย  ย ย 

The committee considers petitions for retroactive withdrawal no later than one year after the end of the term in which the courses in question were taken.ย  Any student wishing to submit a petition to the committee should obtain the proper forms from the Academic Services Office on the second floor of the Business Science Building (BSB) or from the forms page of the Academic Services website.

Such petitions are considered by the Scholastic Standing Committee on the basis of technical error, new information, and/or extenuating circumstances.ย  Petitions that address failure(s) in webreg should include the registration confirmation.ย  Only fully documented written petitions are considered.

Scholastic standing is determined by cumulative grade point average (CGPA) which is computed at the end of each semester/term.ย  Any student with a CGPA less than 2.000 may be referred to the Scholastic Standing Committee.ย  This committee reviews the work of all students with deficient GPAโ€™s at the close of each term and may take any of the actions listed below.ย  Additionally, degrees are not awarded to any student with a CGPA is less than 2.000.

At the conclusion of each semester, studentsโ€™ grades are reviewed for academic performance.ย  Any student whoseย semester/term GPA is less than 2.000 or whose CGPA is less than 2.299ย is directed to meet with the Academic Services staff and may be referred to the RSBCโ€™s Scholastic Standing Committee for additional review and action. The following is an outline of the procedures used by the RSBC regarding student academic performance:

Academic Warnings are issued to students with a semester GPA below 2.000ย orย with CGPA between 2.000-2.299.

The student must:

  1. Discuss oneโ€™s academic performance with an RSBC Advisor.
  2. Identify the factors which negatively impacted the academic performance and explore methods to improve future performance.

Students are โ€œPlaced on Academic Probationโ€ for having a CGPA below 2.000 and are subject to the conditions listed below. Students may be Placed on Probation only once in their college careers. Any future term wherein the student earns a CGPA of less than 2.000 he/she will be placed on Continued Probation or face Academic Dismissal.

The student must:

  1. Achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.000 during the next semester of enrollment.
  2. Enroll in no more than twelve (12) credits in the upcoming term.
  3. Complete Monthly โ€œCheck-Inโ€ meetings with your Academic Advisor (schedule appointments viaย RaptorConnect) throughout the upcoming semester.
  4. Utilize Resources via theย Learning Center

If these conditions are not met, the student may face Academic Dismissal.

Students are placed on โ€œContinued Probationโ€ if theyย haveย met the conditions of their Placed on Probation status, butย have notย yet earned a minimum CGPA of 2.000.ย  If a student was once placed on probation, returned to good academic standing and whose CGPA falls below 2.000 for an additional time during oneโ€™s college career, the student will be placed on Continued Probation and subject to the conditions listed below:ย ย 

The student must:

  1. Achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.500 in the next semester of enrollment.
  2. Enroll in no more than twelve (12) credits in the upcoming term.
  3. Complete Monthly โ€œCheck-Inโ€ meetings with your Academic Advisor (schedule appointments viaย RaptorConnect) throughout the upcoming semester.
  4. Utilize Resources via theย Learning Center

If these conditions are not met, the student may face Academic Dismissal.

Any student who earns a CGPA of less than 1.000 after one (1) semester of enrollment may, at the discretion of the SSC, be suspended from the RSBC and prohibited from enrolling in any Rutgers-Camden course(s) for at least one (1) semester. This action is taken to provide the student with an opportunity to reflect on their academic performance and to determine oneโ€™s level of commitment and motivation to continue collegiate study at the RSBC.

Suspended students may file an appeal in writing (hard copy) for reinstatement within ten (10) days of their receipt of the suspension notice. The appeal should be addressed to the RSBC SSC and submitted to the Academic Services Office. All appeals will be reviewed by the SSC and students will be notified in writing of the SSCโ€™s determination.

Students may face โ€œAcademic Dismissalโ€ from the University if any of the following occurs:

  1. They have not met the conditions of their Probationary status.
  2. They are native students (those who began their college careers at Rutgers-Camden) whose cumulative grade-point average drops below the following levels:
    • 1.400 after one year of attendance
    • 1.700 after two years of attendance
    • 1.900 after three years of attendance
  3. They are transfer students that do not achieve the following minimum cumulative grade-point average:
    • 1.400 between 22 to 56 attempted Rutgers-Camden credits
    • 1.700 between 57 to 88 attempted Rutgers-Camden credits
    • 1.900 between 89 or more attempted Rutgers-Camden credits

Academically dismissed students are prohibited from enrolling in any Rutgers-Camden course for a period of at least one academic year, exclusive of summer session.ย  Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a member of the RSBC Academic Advisor to explore the conditions and/or actions which may have resulted in dismissal and to explore the options available to them for reinstatement.ย 

Dismissed students may file an appeal, requesting a review of the dismissal decision in writing (a hard copy) within 10 days of their notification of dismissal. The appeal should be addressed to the RSBC SSC and delivered to the Academic Services Office. All appeals will be reviewed by the SSC and students will be notified in writing of the SSCโ€™s determination.

Email: acadsvcs@camden.rutgers.edu

Fax: (856) 225-6231

Mailing Address:
Scholastic Standing Committee
Academic Services Office
Rutgers, School of Business-Camden
227 Penn St., Second Floor
Camden, NJ 08102

Applicants for reinstatement must fully complete and submit a Reinstatement Appeal to the SSC. The form can be found via the link below If course work was completed outside of Rutgers, official transcripts should be submitted to the address below.

Reinstatement Appeal Form:ย https://business.camden.rutgers.edu/forms/

Transcript Address:

Attn: Reinstatement Transcript Review
Academic Services Office
227 Penn Street
Camden, NJ 08102

RSBC Academic Forgiveness Form

Students who have under a 2.00 cumulative grade point average and who have not been enrolled at any Rutgers University undergraduate division for at least ten successive semesters may be eligible for academic forgiveness from one entire term of coursework or 12 total credits of coursework. Courses that are granted forgiveness will still have the original grade appear on the studentโ€™s transcript; however, the grades for these courses will not factor into the studentโ€™s cumulative grade point average. An e-credit prefix will be placed on the transcript which notes that academic forgiveness has been granted for the course. Students can obtain the necessary forms to apply for Academic Forgiveness atย this link. All forms are to be submitted to the Academic Services Office.

Email: acadsvcs@camden.rutgers.edu

Fax: (856) 225-6231

Mailing Address:
Scholastic Standing Committee
Academic Services Office
Rutgers, School of Business-Camden
227 Penn St., Second Floor
Camden, NJ 08102

RSBC Academic Amnesty Form

Undergraduate students who previously enrolled at Rutgers University and have seven or more consecutive years of hiatus may apply forย Academic Amnesty in the Rutgers School of Businessโ€“Camden.


  • This program is available to students who have not enrolled in any Rutgers University coursework for a period of at least seven consecutive years.
  • Prior to awarding amnesty, a student accepted into the Academic Amnesty Program must demonstrate academic proficiency by completing at least 24 new Rutgers credits with a cumulative grade point average of 2.500 or higher and no single grade of D or F, within the first year of fulltime enrollment or within two years of part-time enrollment.


  • Program participants must be re-enrolled in the RSBC and matriculating for an RSBC degree.
  • Previously dismissed students will be conditionally readmitted to RSBC, pending the review and approval of the RSBC Scholastic Standing Committee (SSC) and subject to the SSC enrollment conditions.
  • Proficiency requirements must be satisfied within one (1) year (fall, winter, spring, and summer) of full time study or within two years of part time study.
  • Students who do not satisfy the 24 credit, 2.500 GPA proficiency requirement will be denied inclusion in the Academic Amnesty program.
  • All students must satisfy the RSBC residency requirement, as stated in the current catalog. Proficiency coursework may be counted toward residency.
  • Under the Academic Amnesty program, students are excluded from participating in the RSBC Repeat Course and Forgiveness policies.
  • Students may apply for Academic Amnesty only once, and once amnesty has been granted, the student may not at a later time ask for amnesty to be rescinded or modified. For example, if a student has been granted academic amnesty, they may not at a later time request degree credit for E?credited courses or request that grades from J?credited courses be computed in the grade point average.

If Academic Amnesty is approved

  • All prior Rutgers course work will be treated as if it was transferred from an institution outside of the Rutgers University system. Students will retain credit for prior Rutgers course work with grades of C or better, but none of these grades will be calculated into the grade point average. The grade points and degree credit earned for grades of D and similarly grades of F will be removed and will NOT be calculated into the grade point average. A studentโ€™s grade point average will include only grades earned after academic amnesty has been granted, including grades earned during the proficiency period.
  • All previous Rutgers grades of F and D will be โ€œE-credited,โ€ exclusive of grades awarded as a result of judicial action. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The symbol โ€œEโ€ย preceding course credit indicates that no credit is earned toward the degree and no grade is computed in the cumulative grade-point average. These coursesย cannotย be used to fulfill any major, minor, or general education degree requirements.
  • All previous grades of C or better will be โ€œJ?credited.โ€ The symbol โ€œJโ€ย preceding course credits indicates that those credits are earned toward the degree, but the grade is not computed in the cumulative grade-point average. These courses may be used to fulfill major, minor, and general education degree requirements.

Academic Services Office or in the online Forms Repository at https://business.camden.rutgers.edu/AcademicServices/forms2.htm

All documents are to be submitted to the following address:

Scholastic Standing Committee
Academic Services Office
Rutgers, School of Business-Camden
227 Penn St., Second Floor
Camden, NJ 08102

Fax: (856) 225-6231

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BLDP Executive Shadowing Application v2

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"*" indicates required fields

* Indicates a required field.

Student Information



Preferred Work Environment
Preferred Area of Work*


If I am chosen and matched with an executive, I will follow through and prepare a one-page report giving honest feedback about the experience. The written summary is due by the start of the next semester. By typing my name in the box to the right I am offering my digital signature in lieu of my handwritten signature.

After the shadowing event, I will write a personal thank you letter to the executive and copy Dr. Kaufman-Scarborough and Ms. Bridget Britton for their records. By typing my name in the box to the right I am offering my digital signature in lieu of my handwritten signature.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

After notified of a match, students are responsible for providing personal information to the matched executive (e.g., current resume and cover letter with information on career ambitions). The information on this application is for internal use only, for us to match you as well as possible with and executive from among our alumni database.

BLDP Application

The Spring 2023 Application is now open!ย 

Priority will be given to applications received by November 18. Applications are accepted until all seats are filled. Space is limited, so apply early!

The seminar application process is our gateway for entry into the program. Upon acceptance into BLDP, students will be emailed their acceptance letter plus a special permission number allowing registration for the BLDP seminar.


Seminar applications are solicited each semester and require the following:

  1. Completed application form (at the bottom of this page),
  2. For students with GPA 3.0 – 3.49, two (2) letters of recommendation (one academic; one other)

Rutgers-Camden students are invited to apply to apply for enrollment in the BLDP seminar. All applicants are expected to meet both of the following selection criteria:ย  (1) have sophomore standing or above and (2) have an overall GPA of 3.0 or above. First-semester transfer students will be evaluated based on their GPA earned at Rutgers. Students who fail to meet these admission criteria may still be allowed to apply for (and possibly enroll in) the BLDP seminar, but they will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The director balances evaluations to make final decisions on people accepted for the seminar (up to a maximum of 15-20 each semester).

Students who are admitted to the BDLP are required to adopt the BLDP Code of Conduct. A signed contract is required from each student.

Students may count activities toward โ€œleadership unitsโ€ that were initiated prior to taking a seminar, as long as those activities occured primarily during their enrollment in their academic program.

Application for Admission to BLDP Seminar

Applications for the BLDP Seminar will be ongoing until class is filled.

BLDP Program Application

This form is set to automatically delete an entry 180 days after it has been submitted.

  • * Indicates a required field.

  • Contact Information

  • Academic Information

  • Please enter a number from 0 to 500.
  • Transfer students only.
  • Employment Information

  • List relevant employment history

  • EmployerPositionDates of Employment 
  • School Leadership Information

  • Provide evidence of leadership initiative while enrolled in school by listing all school-based organizations and activities in which you have held a leadership role while a student.

  • OrganizationRoleDates 
  • Community Leadership Information

  • Provide a list of community or volunteer activities in which you engaged in a leadership role.

  • OrganizationRoleDates of Activity 
  • Statement

  • In your own words (100-350), discuss the reasons why your application should be considered for the Business Leader Development Program, including what you hope to gain from the program and what you can contribute.

  • Additional Submission Instructions

  • If you need to submit two reference letters, please email them to ldrshp@camden.rutgers.edu. Ideally, you should receive one letter from an academic source (e.g., a former or current instructor), and one from a business source (e.g., a former employer - even if for a part-time or volunteer position).

    Please only submit one application. If you experience any technical problems or need to submit the application again, please contact ldrshp@camden.rutgers.edu.

    Thank you.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.