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ABOUT THIS “FOCUS ON ANALYTICS” TALK: The use—and abuse—of neuroscience and psychological research methodologies has become a hot topic in consumer research. Neuro- and psychological science can help consumer and sensory researchers and product developers better understand consumers’ unconscious motivators and reactions. However, the field of “neuromarketing” has been plagued with pseudoscience and “neurohype” and researchers have experienced some disappointments when trying to incorporate these measures into their research. While physiological measures have been used successfully in academia to better understand human perception, proper application of consumer neuroscience in industry has been more challenging. I will address these challenges, current methodologies and technologies, and issues with research design using applied consumer neuroscience. I will discuss real examples of misuses, abuses and disappointments of these methodologies. Real and thoughtful applied consumer neuroscience is about using the right combination of sensitive measures from psychology and neuroscience in appropriate ways.
DR. MICHELLE MURPHY NIEDZIELA, Vice President of Research & Innovation, is a behavioral neuroscience expert in neuropsychology, psychology and consumer science with a focus on flavor and fragrance technologies. Dr. Niedziela obtained a PhD and Master’s in neuroscience and biopsychology from Purdue University and a BS in psychology from Florida State University.
Michelle is experienced in academia (Monell Chemical Senses Center) and industry (Johnson & Johnson, Mars Chocolate) in R&D of innovation technologies and methodologies for consumer research. She started out as a Scientific Director, heading research design and handling all things science related. Currently, as VP of Research and Innovation at HCD Research, Michelle focuses on finding and integrating new applied consumer neuroscience tools with traditional methods used to measure consumer response.